Compare how much you can san save when you convert your private car expenses into Novated Car Lease.
Are You Looking to... BUY A NEW OR USED CAR?Before you do, you must see the comparisons below

Be Seen as an Employer of Choice

Being see as an employer of choice places your company in the drivers seat when scouting for new employees by offering a superior remuneration package.

Employee's can save $000's annually

We specialise in providing customised Novated Car Leasing options to employees through their own employers payroll system. Make substantial yearly tax savings on all your motoring expenses.
Since the FBT changes in 2014, employers are now offering the salary packaging benefit that provides employees massive cash savings on the use of their private cars.

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Compare a


Comparison $90,000 P/A


Salary Per Month


Less Lease Cost


Less Tax Payable


Current Net Pay


Less Vehicle Cost


**Less ECM


Net Salary
(after vehicle costs)


Actual Savings


Per Month


Life of Lease

What you will save with Novated Lease per month = $311

Savings over the term of the lease = $23,500

* The above calculation is an example only based on a new Mazda CX8 including accessories valued at $75,761. Annual Kilometres 14,000 and based on a 48 month lease term. Your estimate will vary depending on your gross annual salary, state of residence, vehicle requirements and lease term preference. In keeping with ATO compliance there is a residual value (debt owed to the lease company of $28,697 which can be dealt with via various options, ie; re-lease, pay it out and own the car or purchase a new or used car.

*Note: Total Tax Savings are
1) GST on purchase price (up to $6191)
2) Salary Sacrifice Pre Tax deductions
3) GST on all pre tax deductions

**ECM (Employees Contribution Method)
extinguishes FBT (Fringe Benefits Tax)


Compare a


Comparison $90,000 P/A


Salary Per Month


Less Lease Cost


Less Tax Payable


Current Net Pay


Less Vehicle Cost


**Less ECM


Net Salary
(after vehicle costs)


Actual Savings


Per Month


Life of Lease

What you will save with Novated Lease per month = $611

Savings over the term of the lease = $41,921

*The above calculation is an example only based on a new Tesla M3 LR including accessories valued at $76,173. Annual Kilometres 14,000 and based on a 48 month lease term. Your estimate will vary depending on your gross annual salary, state of residence, vehicle requirements and lease term preference. In keeping with ATO compliance there is a residual value (debt owed to the lease company of $28,697 which can be dealt with via various options, ie; re-lease, pay it out and own the car or purchase a new or used car.

*Note: Total Tax Savings are
1) GST on purchase price (up to $6191)
2) Salary Sacrifice Pre Tax deductions
3) GST on all pre tax deductions

**ECM (Exempt up to $89,322)


EV Aust Tax Office Bonus

There has Never been a better time to not only get into a Novated Lease when buying your next vehicle, but you wont believe the huge extra savings on fully Electric Vehicles. ALL ATO APPROVED!
Don't Forget to select the EV vehicle icon when using our lease calculator to see the difference in annual savings.. Request your online quote below.

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